I know this "hope" business seems very cliche and mushy but as of late, it is the force behind all of my thoughts and prayers. I keep on finding myself saying things that start out with "I hope." Things like "I hope they can realize their importance", "I hope they are happy," or the most frequent "I hope you have an incredible day" (as a server at Olive Garden I make it a point to say it every one of my tables).
One of the statements that I tell myself and others the most is: never lose hope. Hope brought me back my best friend. Hope gave me job opportunities. Hope gave me a reason to live. I can recall so many times in my life where I have said "I hope that...," and at some point down the road that hope was always fulfilled. And I am not trying to relate hope with wishful thinking. I believe hope is so much more than that. It is a lot more tangible than a wish. In my mind, a wish is a fleeting almost unattainable desire. Like saying "I wish I could own a Bugatti sometime in my life." Could it happen? Of course, but is it ultimately realistic? More than likely not.
Hope is something that gives me a reason to work and drive harder in my life. When I say "I hope," it gives me something to really look forward to. I would actually like to hear from all of you that keep up with this blog. What is your driving force that keeps your life going?
So I finish with this last prayer, I really hope that I get to see you soon.
Fight for a better tomorrow